Selasa, 16 Juli 2024

Chartis IFRS 17 Report: Review Vendor Evaluations

Selasa, 16 Juli 2024
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Oracle Financial Services
Oracle Financial Services Recognized as Category Leader

Ranked highly among 13 vendors in the market
Report covers the evolving technology requirements for IFRS 17 & analysis of Oracle’s solution capabilities
Accelerate Your Path to IFRS 17 Compliance
Recognized by Chartis Research as the leading IFRS 17 solution in the market today, Oracle’s IFRS 17 Analyzer solution is cloud-enabled, scalable, and provides pre-defined data model and pre-built calculations and disclosure reporting to get you started and on your way towards compliance.
  • Multi-GAAP
  • Configurable, auditable workflow
  • Editable business rules
  • Built-in disclosures and business intelligence
  • Use same application for IFRS 17, IFRS 9, LDTI
Read this report to see why Chartis placed Oracle IFRS 17 Analyzer as the highest solution among 13 vendors.
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